In essence, the Bubblegum Rock of the later ’60s had a forerunner in Tommy Roe. His number one hit in 1962 with “Shelia” set the stage for his career. He went on to produce “Sweet Pea”, “Hooray For Hazel”, “Jam Up And Jelly Tight”, “Stagger Lee”, and of course, his signature hit, “Dizzy”. He never ran low on hits and wrote plenty for others. Today, Tommy Roe is aged at 81. He retired at one point but that seems to be a misnomer these days.

Released earlier this year, From Here To Here gathers four recorded songs from an earlier session that produced his 2012 set, Devil’s Soul Pie, and mixes them in with six more recently recorded tracks – ten in all.

From Here To Here is available on CD and DD via Solar Music (here).

From Here To HereTommy Roe
01 Devil’s Soul Pile
02 Traffic Jam
03 Midnight Lights
04 Without Her
05 A Rose, A Candle and You
06 Frenchy and The Cowboy
07 If I were a Carpenter
08 Heather Honey
09 LA I Belong to You
10 Kick Me Charlie

By MARowe