Lily & Madeleine began their Folk duo set at the youthful ages of 15 and 17. Their first 5-track release was filled with an understanding that normally is found in people over 50. But there they were with intelligent songs loaded with a musical beauty that entranced and lyrics that hypnotized. Since the arrival of The Weight Of The Globe, the sisters have four full-length albums, the last being Canterbury Girls in 2019.

On October 6, Lily & Madeleine will release their latest album, Nite Swim. The album is planned to contain 10 new tracks, with one of those songs in current release. You can listen to “Windowless Bedroom” below. It is also said that the album thematically explores the future of what came after “Come To Me” from their first album. If this latest song is any indication, we’re in for quite the treat.

It is not yet known how this release will issue other than DD. You can pre-order the streaming sets here.

Nite SwimLily & Madeleine
01 Windowless Bedroom
02 Rolling Rock
03 No Part of Me
04 Cologne
05 Nite Swim
06 Ocean Ave
07 Embers
08 Good Things
09 Decaying Rules
10 Lost Boys–

By MARowe