It’s been a little while since I’ve written, listened or reviewed anything – and now is the right time to discuss the upcoming new album from singer-songwriter Django Haskins, Lost World. This is his latest offering in the last two years (last year’s E.P.s, Beforetimes I and Beforetimes 2 were very much pandemic-inspired pieces) and signifies another directional change for this multi-faceted writer and musician.
Lost World is his first piano-based collection of songs, which lend an immediate atmosphere to what you’re hearing. It’s moody, somewhat eclectic and at the same time, hauntingly beautiful and very powerful. The opening track, “Man In Sea” is the perfect reference point for this – slow, enveloping and emotionally gripping. The title track, “Lost World” is a narrative, done in a colorful lyrical manner, which is a difficult thing to do – yet, Mr. Haskins gets it right. “I Dream Of Cities” is an oddly whimsical piece – cinematic, which makes sense when you listen to the words; a musical travelogue. “From An Airplane” (note the recurring theme of travel and nomadic feelings) is a languid, dreamy number that carries you on a wave as you listen.
With there only being eight tracks, I think this is a fair primer – the rest is up to you. And being this early in the summer, I would encourage you to seek this album out. It’s a wonderful, soothing companion/soundtrack for the season.
*Listen below to “Lost World”; follow the Spotify link to “The Woodpecker”
Lost World will be released on Thursday, July 27th, 2023