It’s been a bit since we’ve heard from Bryan Ferry. His stellar work with Roxy Music, and his own great solo works have left us happy in our hearts. His last album was Bitter Sweet, released in 2018. that album was – at heart – a covers set. That lets us go back to 2014 with Avonmore as his last album of original music. 

On March 28, we get a new kind of Bryan Ferry album as he puts his name to a collaborative set with Avant writer/painter, Amelia Barratt. The new album is being called Loose Talk. It will feature spoken word from the writer/painter with music created by Bryan Ferry. There is a track now available from the upcoming album, which can be heard below. You will easily find the new music intriguing…and SO Bryan Ferry. It reminds somewhat of Laurie Anderson (The Ugly One With the Jewels On).

Loose Talk will be released on CD, DD, and two versions of vinyl press that will include standard black, and transparent green. There will also be bundles made available.

You can explore more from Amelia Barratt at her website and her Instagram.

Loose TalkBryan Ferry/Amelia Barratt
01 Big Things
02 Stand Near Me
03 Florist
04 Cowboy Hat
05 Demolition
06 Orchestra
07 Holiday
08 Landscape
09 Pictures On A Wall
10 White Noise
11 Loose Talk

By MARowe

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