The sophomore album from Brooklyn, New York’s Girls On Grass is an even bigger thrill than their debut; from the first beat and guitar notes, you know that this band has found its collective firm footing and deliver a bold, delicious sound – melodic, rocking, poppy, sometimes sneaking in a little country vibe and tight harmonies, bolstered by Barbara Endes’ dynamic singing.
Recorded and produced by the legendary Eric “Roscoe” Ambel at Cowboy Technical Services Recording Rig in Brooklyn, this is a top-notch sonic statement that matches the quality of the music. Starting with the instantly-grabbing “Down At The Bottom” (which could easily be a hit in a just world), you hear a slew of influences mixed together – textured pop, some country, shining harmonies and all around goodness. Immediately following is the balls-out rock of “Street Fight”, a good old-fashioned riff-rock piece in a Stones-y kind of mold with clever lyrics (“…street fight/it’s my right/I’m burning gasoline…”); “Friday Night” reminds me of something that would have appeared on R.E.M.’s “Monster”, except better – and the way Barbara Endes puts the vocals forth is enveloping.
“Into The Sun” is a ’60’s-style/spy -vibe track with a natural slyness that spins itself into a wonderful pop explosion – almost like rolling three songs into one, which is not an easy feat, at best. The slowed-down and slightly sad country nature of “Two Places At Once” makes this one of the album’s highlights as it’s nearly four minutes of an instrumental rockabilly work out until Ms. Endes’ vocals come in – and for the brief moments that she sings, it’s very moving as it’s only a few full verses with a lot of heart – when you hear it, you’ll know exactly what I mean. “Thoughts Are Free” has a crisp, almost neo-psychedelic feel at the beginning and then kicks itself right into a bouncy (but very lyrically sharp) country-fried ride – and is the perfect way to close this collection out.
As I said, the first album was a thrill and this one’s a gas – it’s one of those “you really can’t afford to miss this” works because it’s everything you should want in music – melodic, driving, buoyant and smart. Check out the video below and then get yourself a copy of Dirty Power – Girls On Grass are not to be passed by.
Dirty Power is currently available