The arrival of Sade back in 1984 with their sultry big hits, “Smooth Operator” and “Your Love Is King”, both on a massive-seller album, Diamond Life, gave a world-wide audience a dip into refreshingly jazzy waters. Every successive release from the British singer, six albums in all, were well-received by fans.
On October 9, Sony Music will deliver a vinyl boxed set of all six of the Sade studio albums. The new remasters will be issued as half-speed mastered 180g-weight vinyl LPs. The set is being called This Far (in what might be a hint at something new arriving. Sade‘s last, Soldier of Love, was released in 2010).
These LPs are simple album reissues. There are no extra tracks, which is ok by me. Sometimes the album is good all by itself. If anything, I’m disappointed that Lovers Live (2002) wasn’t rightfully included. The six LPs are housed in a minimalist white box.
This Far – Sade
- Diamond Life
- Promise
- Stronger Than Pride
- Love Deluxe
- Lovers Rock
- Soldier of Love